Halloween in the Entryway

 Hello friends and happy 1st of October!

Sorry about the delay between posts. I've been working in a new job and haven't had enough time to engage in many DIY projects or blogging. I haven't even been thrifting! ðŸ˜®ðŸ˜±

However, I have been working on an awesome project in the kitchen the last few months. It's just taking a long time to complete. But I'm hoping to share it soon though! Cause now that I've said that I have to get my act together and finish it. ðŸ˜‚

In the meantime though, I've noticed all the Halloween decor popping up in stores lately. I've also noticed all the Christmas decor too! I always start Christmas way too early, so this year I thought maybe a bit of Halloween might distract me, for a little while, anyway. ðŸ˜‚

So I figured why not do a little something in the entryway!  

A bit of spooky lighting at night. 

And our real black cat, Raven, practising her Halloween modelling. 😂

Happy Halloween!
